Materials Build tasks Create imaging (Be sure to download the…

2 minute read

Data Pipelines and Apache Airflow Apache Airflow is a batch-oriented framework used building data pipelines. The key features are. Data…

1 minute read

Notes on Ref App The eShopOnContainers reference app found useful user case to see how Cloud native applications can be built. Architeture…

1 minute read

TODO list Tasks List Life PAYE Injection Job search - Last Done Accounts spread Car Tax Pension ISA High interest…

1 minute read

Azure IoT Device Workbench Install ardunino In vscode: Add the extension Azure IoT Device Workbench Open File > Preference > Settings and…

2 minute read

Basic usage of 7 zip zip directory cd MyFolder 7z a -r ../myzip *

1 minute read

whatis git Git is a system for managing source code changes, whereas GitHub and gitlab are online hosting platforms for your git…

1 minute read

Headless A device without a monitor or keyboard. to enable headless operations make the following changes t o your SD card. Enabling SSH for…

1 minute read

Aside gatsby Draft mode hugo Aside: what is toolbox ? Hugo site initialisation you have now have local git repository Now add themes cd…

5 minute read

SVG-Edit Overview SVG-Edit is made of two major components: svgcanvas that takes care of the underlying svg edition. editor that takes care…

1 minute read